10 great gifts for a child's birthday
When the next children's birthday is coming up, the joy of your own or the offspring of friends as well as family members is extremely great. The most beautiful part of the program is almost certainly the unwrapping of the gifts, which often leads to real jubilation. If you want to make the eyes of the birthday boy or girl light up, the following gift ideas are a good choice. These are sustainable and meaningful gifts that every child can do something with.
- Audio books with interesting stories
For many generations, children have loved exciting audio books that they can listen to while doing crafts, painting, playing games or falling asleep. This gives the offspring hours of entertaining storytelling at any time of day. Unlike sitting dully in front of the TV, audiobooks encourage children's imagination - they have to picture the characters and the surroundings themselves. In addition, they can pursue other pursuits and hobbies while listening. In this way, children can be active themselves and at the same time immerse themselves in new and fantastic worlds. In this regard, you have a wide range of audio books to choose from, which can be adapted to the age and areas of interest of the birthday child.
Link: https://muttis-blog.net/die-schoensten-hoerbuecher-fuer-kinder/
- Cute llama as a cuddly toy and heat pad
Children love to cuddle and are guaranteed to enjoy a cute cuddly toy to love. The cute llama is a grain pillow, which has a filling of wheat seeds and organic lavender. Therefore, it can be heated in the microwave and then gives the offspring a soothing warmth for hours, both on cold nights and in case of stomach aches or other physical ailments. Thanks to the stuffed animal, the birthday child will have a faithful comrade by his side, who will be at his side in all situations.
Link: https://www.monsterzeug.de/Waermekissen-Lama-Kuscheltier.html
- Varied wooden railroad with numerous elements
Railroads have long had a great attraction for young children. With a simple model made of wood, even very young children can play safely. In addition, there are more complicated variants that are ideal for older children. In our gift tip, all wooden elements are polished and have a varnish of environmentally friendly paints. Therefore, there are no protruding or sharp parts that could harm the offspring. Playing with the wooden train set stimulates children's creativity and imagination, as they can design and build their own routes.
Link: https://www.amazon.de/s?k=holzeisenbahn&__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&linkCode=sl2&linkId=2c352c854ed746eb0cfa50fc2899d32f&tag=muttisnaehka-21&ref=as_li_ss_tl
- Craft box for carving
If the birthday child likes to do handicrafts, a craft box for carving is a good gift. The complete set contains all the materials needed to create the first handicrafts on one's own. This includes a child's carving knife for safe handling and a block of lime wood. With the help of the included instructions, the creative offspring learns step by step the basics of the carving craft. At the beginning there is a sailboat including mast and cloth sail, furthermore, own projects can be realized with found objects from nature.
Link: https://www.mytoys.de/kosmos-alleskoennerkiste-bastelbox-schnitzen-komplett-set-4545894.html
- Extensive painting kit including wooden case
Children are passionate about painting. Therefore, a paint box is also an ideal gift for a birthday. It contains all the necessary utensils, plus the box can be easily and conveniently transported to any location in the wooden case with carrying handle and metal fasteners. In addition to numerous colored, felt, oil, pastel and wax crayons, there is also a watercolor box. In addition, the set includes a painting pad in A4 format, as well as a ruler with pencil, brush and eraser. So the little ones have everything right at hand and can live out their artistic creativity.
Link: https://www.monsterzeug.de/Malkasten-Set-mit-Holzkoffer-67-teilig.html
- Captivating magic kit for little magicians
With a magic box, children can immerse themselves in the magical world of illusions. This gives the offspring an insightful look behind the scenes of the great magicians and then they can learn the amazing tricks themselves in their own home. The spectacular magic tricks include coin magic, magical lights, levitating objects and optical illusions, which the birthday child can use to stage their own magic show in front of their home audience. Thanks to the illustrated and detailed instructions, the tricks can be learned in a playful way. In addition, informative 3D videos are available for download in this context. In addition to performing magic, the little magicians' dexterity and concentration are trained at the same time.
Link: https://www.amazon.de/s?k=zauberkasten&i=toys&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_8
- Creating a connection to nature with the Galileo Biosphere
Especially children living in the city have no real connection to nature. They often only know the connections between flora and fauna from television. If you want to bring nature closer to the little explorers and discoverers, the Galileo Biosphere is the perfect solution. With it, the youngsters can discover and marvel at the water cycle and its effect on the growth of plants. Facts such as the formation of rain and groundwater are explained clearly. In addition, children can germinate numerous plants on their own using different types of soil and gravel. The construction kit encourages children to experiment and at the same time provides many answers to exciting questions. With the help of illustrated instructions, there is a sound help in researching and exploring.
Link: https://www.mytoys.de/clementoni-galileo-die-biosphaere-10595284.html
- Little Disney Castle from Lego
Most children love Lego building sets because they allow them to give free rein to their creativity and dexterity. The Little Disney Castle is the legendary home of Cinderella, which youngsters can recreate. It is characterized by golden spires, blue shimmering roofs and a classic Mickey Mouse figure.
Link: https://www.lego.com/de-de/product/mini-disney-castle-40478
- Twisting fun with Twister
Twister is a world-renowned contortion game in which fellow players tangle themselves into each other. In the process, a turntable gives the exact position on the mat, which changes constantly. As soon as a player loses contact with the mat with his or her hands or feet, he or she is eliminated.
Link: https://products.hasbro.com/de-de/product/twister:C71921FA-5056-900B-10D3-25880E1E5284
- Scooter suitable for children for everyday mobility
A scooter is the perfect birthday present for your child, so that he or she can get around quickly and easily. There are numerous models and price ranges for you to choose from, which can be adapted to the age and available budget.
Link: https://www.decathlon.de/p/scooter-mid-1-robot-kinder/_/R-p-12842?mc=8549507&c=BLAU